R&D and LHC Collective Effects
A team of the CERN AB-ABP Group
Our Mission: The RLC team carries out theoretical and experimental research in the dynamics of high-intensity particle beams. We are in charge of beam intensity limitations and their control by adequate low-impedance hardware design or operation scenarios, including beam-beam and electron cloud effects, to reach and exceed nominal LHC performance. The team coordinates international R&D activities for future accelerators and is in charge of LHC upgrade and CLIC/CTF3 beam dynamics and design studies.
Who we are (pdf file with details):
Team leader: Francesco Ruggiero
Members: Hans Braun, Helmut Burkhardt, Roberto Corsini, Werner Herr, Elias Métral, Giovanni Rumolo, Daniel Schulte, Rogelio Tomŕs, Frank Zimmermann
Fellows and Visitors: Andrea Latina, Peter Urschütz, Takao Asaka, Warner Bruns
Students: Ulrich Dorda, Peder Eliasson, Maxim Korostelev, Tatiana Pieloni, Javier Resta-Lopez
Friends: Gianluigi Arduini, Ralph Assmann, Elena Benedetto, Fritz Caspers, Theo Demma, Giuliano Franchetti, Alexej Grudiev, John Jowett, Eberhard Keil, Dobrin Kaltchev, Tom Kroyer, Stefano Redaelli, Elena Shaposhnikova, Elmar Vogel, Bruno Zotter
Minutes of 2006 LHC Meetings; Pending LHC Actions;
Minutes of 2005 LHC Meetings; Minutes of 2004 LCE Meetings; Minutes of 2003 LCE Meetings
Minutes of CLIC Beam Dynamics Meetings
Some references on Accelerator Physics; LHC Design Report: Collective Effects
Links to RLC Events:
New! EPAC'06 abstracts; CLIC BDS Day, 22.11.2005
Last modified on 02/15/2008 01:08 by or