Minutes of 2005 RLC LHC Meetings

14 January 2005: beam-beam studies (crossing schemes) [WH,FR,FZ], numerical calculation of collimator monopole modes [AG], electron-cloud delta_max and R benchmarking with SPS data [DS], flange impedance - update [FZ], e-cloud model with GSI [FZ],  trip report PEP-II MAC and VNL [FZ]

28 January 2005: revised broadband impedance of LHC vacuum flanges, e-cloud BB resonator model, He leak detection [FZ], new results for LHC collimator impedances (trapped modes, transverse modes, etc.) [AG],  analytical estimate of collimator resistive-wall impedance using Zotter's approach [EM], instability growth rates after first CNGS extraction kick [EV], summary of the PS&SPS days [EM], possible implementation of a wavelet-based Poisson solver [EB]

04.02.2005: progress report on beam-beam studies [WH], general formula for transverse resistive-wall impedance [EM], follow-up on collimator impedance and trapped modes [EM], collimator multi-bunch effects in LHC [DS], follow-up from HHH-2004 workshop, AB Seminar, and future HHH activities/workshops [FR,FZ]

11.02.2005: LHC collimator impedance - resistive-wall impedance from field matching [BZ], collimator trapped modes and multi-bunch instabilities [EM], impedance of trapped modes for smaller gap and single bunch tune shift in the SPS [AG], decoherence with and without space charge in the SPS [EB]

18.02.2005: coherent beam-beam effects - simulation techniques for multi-bunch tune spectra [WH], simulation results for rigid and soft-Gaussian Bunches [TP], e-cloud simulations for nominal LHC, ultimate, baseline upgrade and Piwinski upgrade [FZ], damping of injection oscillations at the PS [EV], analytical calculations of decoherence at PS injection [EM], HEADTAIL simulations for decoherence [EB]  

25.02.2005: administrative matters [FR], revised values of electron-cloud heat load [FR,DS,FZ], head-tail simulations [EB]

04.03.2005: results from ECLOUD debugging [FZ], progress report on HEADTAIL simulations [EB], resistive-wall impedance for different velocities of beam and wave [EM], RLC contributions to the LHC commissioning [FR], report from OP days [EM]

11.03.2005: reports from CARE meetings and LTC [FR], progress report on HEADTAIL simulations [EB], continued ECLOUD benchmarking [FZ],  estimate of reduced LHC beam lifetime from differences in bunch-to-bunch emittances [FZ]

18.03.2005: effect of ac conductivity on graphite collimator resistive-wall impedance [AG], tune shift from nonlinear resistive-wall collimator wake field [FZ], updated e-cloud simulations: arc heat loads and modified cooling capacity [FZ], update on MAD-X TOUSCHEK and DYNAP modules [FZ], transverse resistive-wall impedance for 2 layers derived from Bruno Zotter's formalism [EM] 

01.04.2005 further progress on e-cloud simulations [FZ], results of data analysis for SPS collimator [EM], more results on data analysis for SPS collimator [FZ], LHC collimator impedance with epsilon_r=5 [EM], SPS MKE kicker impedance with new term of A. Burov [EM], reports from other meetings [FR]

15.04.2005: general RLC meeting; discussion on experience, activities, and 2005 plans of all RLC staff members

22.04.2005: impedance measurements of LHC Roman pots [MD], follow-up of collimator impedance measurements [EM], Zotter's resistive-wall impedance with AC conductivity [EM], simulation of trapped modes in the TDI absorber [AG]

29.04.2005: report from collimation working group [EM], pressure rise induced by the electron cloud in the LHC [FZ], electron cloud in the quadrupoles [FZ], electron-cloud induced emittance growth below the threshold of the TMCI  (movie1) (movie2) [EB]

13.05.2005: update of the LHC collimator impedance [EM], effect of nonlinearity on PS recoherence [EM], update on the SPS collimator impedance measurements [FZ], update on slow emittance growth [EB],  additional material: (1) drawings of the transition chambers upstream and downstream of the TDI (plot1, plot2) [VCTCN is the chamber towards the IP], (2) overview table of all transition pieces (except IR4 and IR6)

24.05.2005: Joint RLC/LOC Discussion of Dynamic Aperture with Beam-Beam: Tracking Dynamic Aperture with Beam-Beam [WH], Preparation and Status of Beam-Beam Tracking [DK]

27.05.2005: Impedance Studies [FR], IBS Studies [FZ], Highlights from PAC05 [DS], Highlights from PAC05 [EM]

03.06.2005: Impedance of Extraction Chamber and Other Impedances [FR], Report from pn@LHC workshop [JJ], Ongoing Activities [EM,FZ], Highlights from PAC05 [EB], Highlights from PAC05 [TP], The RIA Project [EM]

10.06.2005: Impedance of TCDS and TCDQ [AG], Brief Update on Tune Shift Benchmarking [FZ]

17.06.2005: Comparison with FZ and AK for the Transverse RW Impedance [EM] (EM's impedance notebook), Follow-Up of Beam-Beam Related Optics [WH],  Head-Tail Growth Rates vs. Q' for the LHC at Injection [FZ], Head-Tail Growth Rates vs. Q' for the LHC at Injection [EM], Follow-Up of Beam Simulations [TP], Longitudinal Impedance of a Transverse Slot (TCDQ) [EM]

24.06.2005: Pending Actions and Announcements [All], Follow-up of Head-Tail Growth Rates vs. Q' [EM], AOB [All]

08.07.2005MKI Kicker Wire Measurements [FC], Collimator Wire Measurements [FC], Beam-Beam Compensation Studies [UD], Highlights from LP2005 [FZ]

17.07.2005: Impedance Measurements of LHC Ionization Profile Monitor [FRo], Transverse Impedance from Collimator Bench Measurement [FZ]

26.08.2005: Follow-Up of Single-Bunch Instability in the SPS [EM], Database for CARE-HHH Simulation Codes Web Repository [RB], Nonlinear Wake Fields for Flat Resistive Wall [FZ], Progress with ZBASE Model of the LHC [FZ]

09.09.2005: Superconducting RF cavities for High Current Energy Recovery Linacs [Rama Callaga-BNL], Progress with the LHC Beam-Beam tracking campaign [WH], Highlights from Snowmass [DS]

23.09.2005: PS Kicker Impedance [EM], Coulomb'05 Highlights [EM], Effective Luminosity for LHC and SuperLHC [FZ]

14.10.2005: Follow Up of Fast Instability in SPS at Injection (ppt version with animation) [EM], Impedance of PS Kickers for New CT [EM], First Results with HFSS for the LHC Collimator [EM], Crab Cavities [FZ], Highlights from the FNAL IR Upgrade Workshop [FR], Email Regarding  TCDD and TDI Impedance & Collimator Parameters [EM]

21.10.2005: LHC collision configurations: status and news [WH], Long-range tune footprints for nominal LHC [WH], Follow Up of Fast Instability in SPS at Injection (ppt version with animations) [EM], Tertiary collimators and TCLI's with two beams [FR]

28.10.2005: Flat beams for nominal LHC and LHC upgrade [SF], Beam-beam separation in the triplet for nominal LHC [WH], Longitudinal and transverse impedance of the TCDD [AG], Impedance of the tertiary collimator "sausage" chamber [EM] and measurements of the PS kickers, Impressions/comments on the recent CAS school

04.11.2005: Progress report on coherent beam-beam simulations [TP and WH], Operational scenarios for LHCb spectrometer magnet [WH], Update on the impedance of the "sausage" [EM and AG], Impedance measurements with one or two wires [EM] and HFSS simulations for the impedance of the LHC collimators [EM]

11.11.2005: Follow-up on SPS TMCI Threshold [GR], Follow-Up on SPS TMCI Threshold [EM], Electron Cloud in the SPS [EB, FZ], Comparison of TMCI Theories [EM], Report from FP420 Meeting [EM], Highlights from Nanobeam'05 and KEK News [FZ], E-Cloud Benchmarking [FZ],  Linear Instability Due to LHC Finite Crossing Angle [FZ]

18.11.2005: Impedance of Tertiary Collimators and TLCI's with Two Beams [RA, FC, AG, EM, FR], Follow-Up on SLAC design for Phase-II Rotating Collimators [AG (, RA, FC,  FR, EM)], Comment on Measurement of PS Kicker Impedance [FC], Follow-Up on Electron Cloud in the SPS (pdf) [EB],  Scaling the Electron Cloud Instability Threshold to Higher SPS Energy and Tevatron Observations [FZ], Intra-Beam Scattering with Nuclear Collisions [FZ], Follow-Up on LHCb Crossing Schemes [WH]

02.12.2005: Measuring Negative Transverse Impedances with a Single (Displaced) Wire - Theory [EM], LHC Stability Limit for Cu Secondary Collimators [EM], Comparing Resistive-Wall Impedance for Cu and Stainless Steel [EM], Report from Engineering Design Review of TOTEM Roman Pots [EM],  Ecloud: Code Benchmarking for Long-Term Emittance Growth [EB],  SLAC Collimator Design for Phase II Rotating Collimators [FR], Meeting on TCLI Collimators [AG], Conducting Boundary Conditions in HEADTAIL [GR], AOB - Directional Impedance & E-Cloud Maps [FR]

16.12.2005: Results of Beam-Beam Tracking Campaign [DK]

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FZ or FR, 5 December, 2005